Monday, November 12, 2007

Caption the pictures...

Some say I look like a pug...whoo whoo oo oo...

Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?

Yes, my dog enjoys watching other dogs on the computer. We can't explain it...

OK...I'm leaving these captions up to you! These are some of my favorite new pictures of Gooti.
Allyson is currently composing a "12 Gooti's of Christmas" that I'll post at a later date, but you can see how much of a part of our lives this little weird looking dog is! We love her :O) Pound for pound - she's got more personality than any other dog we've ever had!!


Unknown said...

Her watching other dogs on the computer...too cute. She knows a good thing when she sees it.

Wendy said...

I absolutely LOVE the middle pic with the cat and dog! Too cute! Is Gooti a pug or a puggle?