Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Few Myths "Busted"

Clearing up some myths...

Jilly's cradle from a full (not so hot...)

Allyson and Meredith clowning at Awards...

1. Allyson's favorite color really isn't purple. I think it's a weird green and a weird blue. She DOES wear purple, because it coordinates with her cheer stuff, and as we all know, it IS all about coordination with this child!

2. Jillyan was a crossover - meaning that she competed with BOTH of our squads on the same day. This usually meant missing the Purple team awards and rushing to get into full makeup before Silver Team hit the practice floors. There were times when she could have water between floors, but it was very hard for her to keep up her stamina. Right now, she will NOT be performing as a crossover for the remainder of the season (through April).

3. Allyson is a giant chicken shit cheerleader. When she gets close to throwing a flip flop, she tanks because of her fear, It has nothing to do with her ability, she's just a chicken. She IS working on her flexibility and jumps at home, and has shown definite improvement. Allyson also works constantly on form in the cheer and dance, and is a help to me to work out timing issues for practice at home. She's also great at keeping her crews on task at practice.

4. Jillyan has a long way to go in cheerleading. It is sometimes a challenge for her to focus and concentrate on a task, then be consistent in the execution. Each practice and competition is a crap shoot as far as her performance. It's kind of like the Chicago Bears and Grossman. We don't know if we're getting "Good Rex" or "Bad Rex"! Poor little'll come!

5. Cheerleading had become a full time job. Our family schedule revolves around gym time, and competition schedules. This is not a "class" or an "activity". Think travel baseball or hockey.'s like that. Not for the weak at heart or wavering of spirit, that's for sure. We are full out, full time. It helps that we love it :O)


Unknown said...

Myth or not I have never seen Allyson in anything that doesn't have purple in it. It's funny though that you mention her favorite color is a weird green...Maddie's is almost a forest green kind of color, besides black of course. I have banned black as a color choice at my house recently.

Okay that clears up the Jilly questions about the crossover.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.