Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Performance link


Ok...here is a link to Sundays performance. This video was taken by a parent who was sitting next to the mat, so the view is slightly askew. I love it from a personal standpoint because you can see Jillyan's spinning scorpion really well. When you see the kids move into stunt position with the back spot kneeling like she's tying her shoes - Jillyan is the incoming flyer. Since it's only a partial view, it's tough to keep track of both of the kids, and Allyson is on the other side of the mat - so mainly this video is focused on Jillyan (of my two performers!). Jilly also flies a show-n-go that is the first one to move (they come forward), and she is the point flyer in the pyramid: performing a tick-tock/ball down to full-cradle. Let me know what you think!!

Excitment = finding Fendi knockoff shades for $10!! Almost takes away from the chins!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Let me explain!

After previewing my blog...I realize that I forgot to explain what the whole "Crazy Cheerleaders" post was!

This is the video of the awards taken ON the spring floor (sorry for the shaky video). If you listen carefully and/or can hear the announcer over the noise, they naturally begin the awards starting with last place. There were 7 total squads in our division, so even though it sounds like he says "second", it is actually "seventh"! The realization that second place was not them hit pretty quickly after it was announced! There was a lot of screaming, jumping around and tears when that happened! Please keep in mind that I am excited as well - AND standing near excited parents that want to "shake the coach" when the kids place well! Apologies ahead of time!

Copy and past the link to your browser, and it should take you to the video!

Crazy Cheerleaders!


Sunday, February 10, 2008


Last week, we got 14 inches of snow. Monday night, we are supposed to get 3-6" more. This is on top of the official total for the season = 40 inches. Spring - where art thou?

The birdhouses are listing under all of the snow!

Poor bushes! Poor dogs trying to find the bushes!

Where'd my bench go?

Beautiful FAT white flakes!



Jillyan's cradle twist.

Jillyan's scorp

Allyson waiting for her flier

First Place!!

Allyson hammin' for the camera

Mr. Manager / Assistant Coach / Photographer / All-Around :O)

Silver pulled out a Champion win today! We are ALL so proud of the work these kids have put in! Purple finished a heartbreaking 5th out of 7 teams. In their defense - it was an extremely tough line up. What a day! In spite of below zero temperatures, wind chill factors of -30, the cheerleaders put on a great show! Congratulations kids!