Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Performance link


Ok...here is a link to Sundays performance. This video was taken by a parent who was sitting next to the mat, so the view is slightly askew. I love it from a personal standpoint because you can see Jillyan's spinning scorpion really well. When you see the kids move into stunt position with the back spot kneeling like she's tying her shoes - Jillyan is the incoming flyer. Since it's only a partial view, it's tough to keep track of both of the kids, and Allyson is on the other side of the mat - so mainly this video is focused on Jillyan (of my two performers!). Jilly also flies a show-n-go that is the first one to move (they come forward), and she is the point flyer in the pyramid: performing a tick-tock/ball down to full-cradle. Let me know what you think!!

Excitment = finding Fendi knockoff shades for $10!! Almost takes away from the chins!


Danielle said...

wow! so much more tumbling than we ever did! Hey, that's the first picture of you I've seen since..we'll, since highschool! Post more!

I'm demanding,these days,eh? Make sure and give me the link to that scrapbooking program too!

Anonymous said...

no kidding - that was awesome - they have come so far....and can Jilly fly or what????
I actually cried while watching - what will I do in person? Can't wait to get there......

Wendy said...

Sorry, but I haven't gotten a chance to watch the video yet. (I'm still trying to follow the 'simple' instructions to get my outlook and 'fabulous' new email to like each other.) But I had to leave a quick comment on the shades~ LOVE EM! And I'm diggin' the lipstick too!

Emily Jade said...

uhhhh...my lips were just chapped Wendy! Sorry to burst your bubble :O(

Wendy said...

I finally watched the video. That was absolutely AWESOME! They're doing some really tough stuff. This is stuff you see on ESPN! Way to go Emily. You've really done an amazing job, especially considering the kind of cheerleading that we come from.

It must be nice to get chapped lips that looks like a nice lipstick rather a creature from a horror flick (someone tell me I'm not the only one, please).