Sunday, November 25, 2007


While I realize that every Christmas brings about some ornament breakage - I'm a little cheesed that the first one this season hadn't even made it onto a tree yet :O(

My friend Allison gave me this ornament (she has it's twin) that she found in a great shop. It's TOTALLY my style. I LOVED IT!! Now it is little glass dust. The cat is toast...


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about your ornament. That really is a bummer. I'm actually thinking about going all plastic ornaments for the cat's safety, and my sanity.

Danielle said...

I have to say that I am truly impressed that all of your tableware seemed to match for 22 people!!! now that's a collection. The most I can seem to muster is 7 matching (in my defense #8 broke:)

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Emily Jade said...

HA!! I have good service for 8...everyone else had to eat on the regular stoneware we use everyday!! In MY defense, I had to borrow silverware from my neighbor!! Don't want to give anyone delusions

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your ornament breakage...we have no choice but to use plastic, my cat thinks he's a dog and well let's just say anything glass needs to be put up very very high.

Wendy said...

Very upsetting to hear about breakage so early in the season! It isn't even December yet! I'm terribly sorry.