Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I actually MADE a gingerbread house!! Whoo - whoo!!!
There is a company out here called BBC Holidays that for a small fee, hosts a gingerbread house decorating party at your house. When I got the invitation from my friend Allison (I just noticed that she is in here A LOT!), I thought about it long and hard. Being only moderately creative, with not so much as a whiff of creativity in the food department - I'll admit, I was hesitant. I am SO glad that I caved in and went!!
Is it outstanding as far as gingerbread houses go? No. It's lopsided, sloppy and pretty funny to look at actually. Do I love it? HELL YES! Having never done anything like this before, I was pretty intent on following instructions. We all bounced ideas off of each other, copied each others creative spurts and had a great time. Added to that...I got the bonus of my puppy fix :O)
Be sure to check out my rather depressed looking reindeer that our "assistant" Michael made for me. I'm calling him Shopper - the tenth reindeer (Olive is technically number 9!). He's a sad little soul! I couldn't resist him!


Unknown said...

One can not truly enjoy your gingerbread house without blowing up the picture on their computer. When I enlarged the photo here is what I discovered. There is a step directly in front of the door--I guess the children will have to eat the walkway before entering. The green bear I thought was made out of gummi, enlarged Im guessing chocolate bears? And Shopper the tenth reindeer what can I say about him. I thought with the red nose he could pass for rudolf's brother. Is his body made of peanut butter? I really enjoyed your gingerbread house.

Unknown said...

Shopper the tenth reindeer has brought a smile to my face all day. Everytime I think of him he makes me chuckle.