Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

Our family celebrates Christmas Eve at Noel's parents house, usually starting around 8pm. It is a long, long wait until midnight for the kids!

Noel is "Santa", passing out all of the gifts that are piled high along the tree. This year, Evan played assistant Santa, helping Dad pass along the loot! He got a pretty big kick out of that one!! The kids all get jammies to unwrap and wear home, so that when we pull in the drive at 3am thay are ready for bed. Santa comes after everyone is tucked up and asleep!

We all had a great time this year! Can't wait for the next get-together at New Years!!

Evans gift from Tita Malou was quite the hit!

Evan loving on his new game!

My Nikon buddy and nephew, Anthony.

Matching neices - Agnes, Melizza and Nika.

It's SANTA!!


Unknown said...

It sounds like you guys had a fabulous time. Noel looks cute in the hat.

Wendy said...

Love the pictures! It's nice to see some of Noel's family. You sure can tell they're all family!