Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Wonder of it All

The Wonder of the Season

I'd like to take a moment to blog about the wonder of the season. The beautiful decorations, awe inspired tiny faces turned towards a tree. The light of little eyes as presents accumulate under the tree, shipped from loving relatives afar. The magic of the Christmas Story and the blessings found under the star. Just the Wonder of the Season, through a child's eyes.
My eyes are seeing all of these small joys, attributed to the season...and a few more things...
I WONDER how $100 doesn't go very far at Hollister. Are their clothes made from gold, frankincense and myrrh? What the?
I WONDER why Dance and Sing Pinky Pie Pony has to cost $40. Nobody gives me $40 to shake my butt and sing (they MAY; however, pay me to stop).
I WONDER why Pinky Pie Pony can't trot her pink butt to one store and STAY there. It took me 8 stores to find her. If she is as elusive at home as she was at the stores, I should have just taken $40 and thrown it in the fire!
I WONDER how groceries - for the love of GOD - can cost more at Christmas time. Am I ASKING for Golden Eggs here, people? NO!! I want the plain ol' clucker eggs! Why did the price of bananas go up? Is this a hot Christmas commodity? Is there anyone out there that can't go without their Christmas banana? Yeesh...
I WONDER how people can find it in their hearts to put money into the Salvation Army buckets - yet somehow manage to turn into weenies the instant they are in the parking lot. Loose change in a charity bucket DOES NOT negate flying the bird at little old ladies painstakingly picking their way through icy parking lots for their medications. A weenie is a weenie is a weenie.
I WONDER why kids are getting jerkier and jerkier the faster the December 25th approaches. "Santa Claus is comin'" apparently has no effect on my children. When I was a kid - any chore was done without being asked. Beaming smiles and angling my head so perhaps my "halo of goodness" would shine a little brighter - maybe catch my parents eye. This was all in hopes of scoring the gift on my Christmas list that was highlighted, starred and underlined. Did it always work? No, but I tried every year none the less, JUST IN CASE!!
I WONDER how Hallmark stays in business in any other month than December. This place was PACKED every time I've been there this month. I know that Webkins are HUGE right now, but's Hallmark. Hallmark also now has weird shopping carts...I wonder who thought that concept up - in a shop full of priceless glass and trinkets, no less!
I WONDER why shopping carts can't come without the ankle catchers on the bottom. I'm ready to wear shin guard backwards, guessed it...the only store that sells them is packed with the ankle eating carts. Ugh.
I WONDER why the word "tasteful" suddenly disappears from outdoor decorating in December. Oh yes...every neighborhood has a Griswold family. Their yard is wonderfully manicured and blooming flowers abound through out the other months. In December the yard is invaded with giant blow-up musical/mechanical "snow globes" and enough lights to imitate an airport runway in dense fog. Yikes.
I WONDER how only the very best cookies can magically disappear off of the cookie plate seconds after arriving - and the not-so-hot ones sit there long enough to be Christmas ornaments for next year. Cookie radar can be a bad, bad thing!
The Wonder of the Season...ah, goes both ways!


Wendy said...

Excellent post Em! It gave me a nice chuckle this morning. I wonder why the Disney Princess Talking Cash Register had to cost 40 bucks? I was shocked! And as for the huge blow up lawn decor for Christmas~ the kids love em, I do not. Have you ever noticed how they're all ALWAYS deflated on the yard first thing in the morning? I gotta admit, I ALWAYS get a nice little chuckle when I see that yard that has about 10 of those things and they're all flat at 8am and 10 degrees.

Unknown said...

I so agree about the lawn decor this year. Here's a thought why does a navitity scene need multi colored tracing lights? Again it seems to be the year for no tact. I even seen a gigantic helicopter circling the house and dipping down into the yard decor on someones lawn. Just because you have a front lawn doesn't mean you have to fill it with tacky decor. Yes, where did the behaving good for Santa go?

Anonymous said...

And I WONDER why plane fairs go up so much just when you want to make a surprise trip to see you grandchildren enjoy Christmas morning..........*sigh*
Emily: know that I love you and your family (mine!) more than life itself.
Baby, have a very Merry Christmas - I'll be thinking of you all in the morning and wishing that I was there.