Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ol' Dead Eye

Evan's Nerf Longshot was a big hit this Christmas. The guys set up the target, and took turns trying to maneuver the Nerf darts into the target holes. This thing is like a military sniper rifle - complete with an extendable barrel, bi-pod and scope. No joke.

Jillyan took a turn at target practice - and nailed the target on almost every shot she took! Aparently, we have a sharpshooter in our midst!

Jilly getting some pointers from Big Daddy...

Dead eye checking out the scope...


Unknown said...

See another example of how well her meds work, she is able to focus enough to be a sharp shooter. Good job Jilly!!

Wendy said...

That's a little scary. I don't want ANY of my kids to be sharp shooters~ I fear I would be the target!!