Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Traditions Part 2

Hanging the ornaments on the tree is always a stressful time for me. Shame on me, I know...but I think in terms of "the tree has to be balanced" and "the good ornaments go up HIGH". There is no shame in having a beautiful tree.

Last night, after dinner we attempted to decorate the tree as a family. Oooooo...bad idea.

Picture this - Manny downstairs firmly entrenched in a hot game of WOW on the computer, the little kids grabbing the most expensive and sentimental and BREAKABLE ornaments, Melyssa grumbling under her breath, Noel safely on the loveseat (his job is to crown the tree, and he does it very well) and Jillyan hopping somewhere along the stratoshpere. At some point, the ladder became a jungle gym. I'm pretty frustrated at this point, and singing a Christmas Carol at the top of my lungs (I'm pretty loud) while Melyssa stomps and squalls all the way up the stairs, strains of "It's not fair!" echoing through the house (probably the whole neighborhood). Allyson fumbled two ornaments, and glass had to be swept up while keeping the dog from eating it and Evan from stepping in it. Oh yes, it was family fun night at my house, family fun indeed. That was one of those moments that I will look back on and remember with teeth grinding fondness, of this I am certain!

The good news - the tree is up and beautiful.
The not so good news - the vodka helped.
Enjoy the pictures of some of my favorite ornaments, and feel the love...just feel the love!

See the broken bottom? I still put it on the tree!

I really like the reflective quality of these ones. Better yet? They're plastic!

This is a plain silver ball...the colors are reflections of the lights.


Another of my favorites, but they are glass. I even still have all 4 in the set! GO ME!


Unknown said...

Emily while you decide on the perfect job/career for yourself one day please please keep in mind...photography. You do a remarkable job at capturing things in a positive light.

Emily Jade said...

Thanks Chelle!!

Unknown said...

Hey, I play WoW too. Your tree is beautiful by the way

Unknown said...

I was noticing something after I took a picture of my tree this weekend. The curtains behind your tree, and the curtains behind mine are the same colors. Amazing huh, yeah I thought so.

Emily Jade said...

Well Chelle...that's just how we with the knowledge to decorate ROLL!!