Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Traditions - Part 1

This is a big honkin' shrub! Manny's 5'7" and standing...
We have many Christmas Traditions in our family, and I thought that the easiest way to capture them is to blog about them as they happen. Sadly, yes...the Christmas Tree Tradition goes about the same each and every year...

There were many bad, bad words spoken under the tree this year!! Sorry Noel!

For whatever reason (ok, it's me), the size of our Christmas trees vary from year to year. This year - Noel and I were prepared! We knew where we were going, what variety of tree we were getting AND the size of tree that we were choosing to grace the family abode this season. Arriving at the lot, Noel (as usual) chose the best and most beautiful tree that they had within our variety specifications. It was even, we were assured, the height that we were looking for! Can't get much better than that! From arrival to "drive away" - the overall time spent on the lot was about 15 minutes. This year...I even got a live wreath (my 1st ever...I'm SO excited)!

He only held it up for about 45 minutes. I think his fingers are still stuck together!!

While our oldest son was at work, Noel and I drug the bush into the house and began the preparations for set up. Lo and behold...the tree was not an 8 footer, it was EASILY a 10 footer. Since we have 10 foot ceilings...this took some cutting and imagination! The beauty was finally erected straight and true upon it's place of honor in our living room. What a relief!

The tree was all snuggled into it's base, and after letting it "fluff" out for a while - the yearly chore of the lights began! Before you nod your head sagely, please note that I am a super freak about my Christmas lights (el cheapo's from Target), and each year they get rewrapped the way that they came, and some are even in their original boxes. Obsessive, I know. This year - lights seemed to not want to work AT ALL. Usually I am an 800 count or better on my lights, but this year was frustrating enough that there are 700 lights on there, but only 600 are lit. Since the 100 that are out are in the middle of a series, those little suckers are staying ON the tree! I don't even CARE at this point. It's rather hard for me to type, as the pine sap has stuck together all of my fingers; but I had to share these stories with you hoping you'd get a chuckle on a Monday...

While safely tucking the last of the connectors deep within the tree, I did the unthinkable...well, it would be if I didn't do it every year...I knocked the tree over. After some quick thinking and swearing from Noel, muscle from Manny and my standing WAY back in the kitchen (hey, somebody has to make sure the tree is straight, right?!?) - the big Christmas bush is secure once more - AND has lights!!

Ornaments will be hung tomorrow after school, with the grand crowning of our tree done by Noel with our capiz star. For now, just enjoy the pictures of the lights...and breath a sigh of relief for me that at least my part in the "Tree Tipping" is done for the season!

Pretty lights on the tree...

Playing with the camera! This is pretty cool lookin'!

My first live wreath! I think it turned out pretty :O) The sign says Joy...


Unknown said...

You are one of the only people besides myself that I know that still gets "live" trees. And as you have clearly mentioned there is always an eventful story that goes along with the live trees. I never hear these stories from artificial tree people. I love your wreath by the way. I actually thought about getting one last year.

Emily Jade said... live tree-ers...I just read an article that having a live tree is a "greener" approach than those who buy fake trees. Just doing our part, right!?!