Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

We love this holiday, spend much time decorating (I can't WAIT to get a house!), much time preparing, and much time hiding the candy!

Enjoy the posts - I had to split them up to get the pictures that I wanted of each of them on here...sorry if it's a little lengthy!


Unknown said...

What is the second picture? Is that a candle base? What is the green stuff?

Emily Jade said...

it's an arome melt thingy from PartyLite. the green stuff was a candle from Partylite - melted in the aromamelt.

Cool thing about the candle - they start out a weird yellow color, but when liquid looks alot like antifreeze. I use it as a "culdron" that Sticks (skeleton man), Stones (skeleton cat) and Bones(skeleton dog) gather around during Halloween. Looks cute :O)

Unknown said...

That's cool. I've never seen one of those before.