Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Proud Blond Moment...

Melyssa is - gasp - blond. Her hair is VERY blond. Her brain? The jury is still out on that one. Since she has NO filter from her brain to her mouth, and wouldn't know tact if it smacked her in the face - I'd have to say that she is "blond" in that respect. In her defense, she's no airhead. Again, the jury is out on her "blond" factor. That being said, I've a story to tell...

After trying out, being recommended to play the sax by the band directors that tested her, good Mommy standing in line for three hours (more like two, but it was ridiculous enough to hedge on the time!), and paying THROUGH THE NOSE for this damn sax - Melyssa is a bona fide saxophone player.

We have been stressing to her that playing an instrument and being a part of the band program, her practicing is as important as homework. It IS homework. One hour a night total is her average, and she has been plugging away - and if you don't know, the sax is a LOUD freakin' instrument.

Melyssa band class meets once a week on Mondays for between 30 and 45 minutes. There are only 3 sax players at her school (she's the only girl). While her director was discussing their weekly homework, Melyssa told him that she plays every night so that she would have a shot at being first chair. Apparently the director got a kick out of this, and told her that she already WAS first chair. Melyssa, flabbergasted, said "Really?!?" and Mr. Bell said "Well, yeah!"

I'm not sure if they really do separate the kids into chairs in 5th grade, or if he was pulling her leg, but I DO know that she no longer "honks" the instrument, and can play almost 10 songs. Melyssa is also quite ahead of the two boys she plays with. She's only had the instrument for about three weeks.

Proud moment...proud moment...


Unknown said...

Each of your kids have their special talent, and music is hers. Be proud!! and be thankful its not the tuba.

Wendy said...

Yeah! Great for Melissa! Shell has a great point - be thankful it's not the tuba. lol