Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Laws to Seriously Consider...

Since most of these really get our panties in a bunch, we tend to block them out. I say VENT YOUR FURY! Leave your "Oughtta be a Law" here. Ideas to get you started:

1. Nobody should sell an item IF the nescessary parts to make said item work are discontinued.
courtsey of Emily

2. School should be ALL YEAR, with a few more allowable tardies for slacker Mommies.
courtsey of Michelle

3. Christmas trees AND decorations should be removed from your neighbors yard, and NEVER plugged in after January 15th.
courtsey of Michelle & embellished by Emily

4. Grocery receipts should NEVER be longer than you are tall. I KNOW I bought a lot of shit, make it in smaller font or something!
courtsey of Emily

5. Schools should NOT make you fill out contact information for EVERY child that you send to the same school. Have some brains. Look it up on another siblings form, or >>gasp<<>
courtesy of Emily

6. Older cars should not cost more to keep running per month than the original car payment. We can engineer silly putty that lasts forever even stuck to carpet, but not car parts that will work for 10 years?!? CRAP!
courtesy of Emily

7. Panhandlers who beg all day, then drive off in a BMW should face life in prison.
courtesy of Emily

8. Cleveland sports should win AT LEAST one major championship event every 5 years. They've been around long enough and have PAID their dues.
courtesy of Emily

9. 24 hour grocery stores should not close the deli at 9pm. 24 hours is 24 hours. Hire some people!
courtesy of Emily

10. The last of the chocolate syrup should be easier to get out of the bottle and never make all of the fart noises.
courtesy of Emily

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE the post!! I've often wondered that myself why if the store is open 24 hours does the deli close, and the pharmacy at 9pm. Not to mention no one will be helping you in electronics after midnight or the fabric department. I think a law to be added would be that a school bus coming at 6:30am should have to stop to see if the kid is coming not just slow down see the kid coming and floor it down the road. While were making laws we should also consider new holidays such as, National Freedom Day. This will include wearing no bras, no watches, no jeans that hold your butt in place, and no teeth just to name a few.