Sunday, September 2, 2007

OH NO!!!

I have a white board - but it's black. You have to buy special markers for the "black board". They don't make them anymore. I found a back up. Now they don't make those anymore either. This board is the master family calender. I'm up a creek...
Why the hell would they sell the boards if they're NOT gonna make the markers?!?!?!?!?!?!? There oughtta be a LAW!


Unknown said...

LOL!! I am so sorry for you and your black board. I don't know what you could use in place of the old special markers. I agree there should definetly be a law against selling the board if they no longer make the markers. A few other things that need to be on that law list should be having a fully Christmas lighted pine tree in front of your yard after Feb. and still pluging it in, and they should seriously give some thought to making school all year with more allowable tardies (you know just in case an overworked mommy hit the off button on the alarm clock instead of snooze).

Emily Jade said...

Agreed. I had to go buy a white board - and I conforted myself by buying all sorts of colors to write on it with...

I think I'll start that post - there oughtta be a law :O)