Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm Emily. I'm 32 - eeeeeekkkkkkkkkk - and have 6 kids. I'm out of my everlovin' mind. They range in age from 17 to 4. I'll have a senior and a kindy the same year. We live in Cary, IL, about an hour northwest of Chicago, and about 20 minutes from the WI border. We llike it up here, but really miss family and friends. We're VERY crowded in our townhouse, but still have a while 'til we can move :O( Such is life. We have an epileptic St. Bernard named Ares, a Bug puppy named Gooti, two cats (Cookie and Mango) and Allyson had a hamster named CatChow ('s really Cashew). I think there's a fish here somewhere too...

Busy can NOT describe my life. There isn't any such word to describe this. Each child has at least one activity at least 6 days a week. We try our hardest to keep the family unit secure and functional through mandatory family dinners at least 5 night a week. I'm a little physco about that, but we always make it happen. The kids are also required to support one another in their activities - meaning the WHOLE family goes to track meets, competitions, recitals and concerts. Hopefully this will pay off when they are deciding which nursing home to put me in!

I have a lot of little jobs that I do to help with finances, but for the most part, I'm building my gym - Cary Cheer Elite to be the best it can be. I also coach for the Park District, consult for two rec leagues and am looking VERY forward to a call from one of the high schools on the area. It is a dream of mine to coach at a high school (even though I have older girls on my gym, weird, huh). Competitve cheer IS different though. I love EVERY minute of it.

With just getting started, have patience with me, and keep checkin' back!!



Wendy said...

Hey Em! Great to see you blogging! 6 kids is mind blowing to me!! My 3 have me totally overwhelmed most of the time! I look forward to seeing some good cheerleading posts!

Unknown said...

Your life is what they write books about. The fact that you keep it all together, and running pretty smooth is amazing and something to be extremly proud of. Not to mention all of that, but you are following your dreams and achieving them. My hat is off to you.